közjegyzői iroda logó kék
SZOLLÁR, Csanád László
Szollár Csanád



+36 1 920 0360

Telefon / Phone:

H-1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 61. IV. em. 4.

Cím / Address:

He started his studies at the Faculty of Law of Pázmány Péter Catholic University in autumn 2016. He loved being a law student because He had the opportunity to learn from
great professionals during his university years, so he gained a great deal of theoretical knowledge during those years. He is only a few steps away from obtaining his doctorate,
these are specifically the final exams. Of course, not only at university, but also in the legal world, he had the opportunity to gain practical knowledge by working in law firm.

He is currently working as an office administrator, where the preparation and drafting of notarial deeds is the main part of his job. His aim, of course, is to acquire as much professional theoretical and practical knowledge as possible in order to provide our clients with quality and comprehensive legal information on any legal issues or problems they may have.