közjegyzői iroda logó kék
Dr. SZENTE, Szabolcs LL.M.
Dr. Szente Szabolcs LL.M.



+36 1 920 0360

Telefon / Phone:

H-1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 61. IV. em. 4.

Cím / Address:

Dr. Szabolcs Szente graduated summa cum laude from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University in 2005. After graduation he got professional experience primarily in the field of public procurement law (Municipality of Budapest, National Development Agency). He passed the bar exam in 2009 with remarkable results. He joined Dr. Máté Viktor Notary Office as notarysubstitute in 2013. Dr. Szabolcs Szente passed the notarial exam in 2018. In the case of long-term absence of the notary, he acted as a permanent deputy of Dr. Máté Viktor (notary public). He was appointed to notary public on the 15 th July 2023 for the notarial seat No.: 3 of Budapest, district VI., therefor he and dr. Máté, Viktor notary public – from the 01 st September 2023 – operate and maintain a joint notary office (under name: Dr. Máté and Dr. Szente Notary Office).

He is able to negotiate in English and is licensed to act in English since 2014, when he received his language licence (he got PROFEX advanced level (C1 type) complex (oral and written) language exam in legal and administrative English). He was elected to be one of the members of the Audit Committee of the Budapest Chamber of Civil Law Notaries from 2016 to 2023, he is a member of the language licence committee of the Hungarian Chamber of Civil Law Notaries (“MOKK”) and he regularly participates in and attends the meetings of the ‘Union International du Notariat Latin – Commission des Affaires Européennes (UINL – CAE)’ as a representative of MOKK.