közjegyzői iroda logó kék
Kacsóné Dr. Garami Éva



+36 1 920 0360

Telefon / Phone:

H-1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 61. IV. em. 4.

Cím / Address:

KACSÓNÉ DR. GARAMI, Éva graduated as a lawyer from the Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc in 2009. She successfully passed her bar exams in 2013. She started working at the notary's office of Dr. Parti Tamás in 2002 and became a notarysubstitute in 2013. She has been working as a notarysubstitute at Dr. Máté és Dr. Szente Notary Office since 2023. From 2018, she is a member of the Education Committee of the Association of Hungarian Notarysubstitutes and Trainee Notaries, and from 2019 she is the president of the Education Committee.