közjegyzői iroda logó kék
Dr. Sztankó Lili



+36 1 920 0360

Telefon / Phone:

H-1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 61. IV. em. 4.

Cím / Address:

Dr. Lili Sztankó graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Pázmány Péter Catholic University with a summa cum laude degree in 2014. After graduation, she started work as a trainee notary at Dr. Máté Viktor Notary Office. She passed the bar exam in 2018 with excellent degree and from this year she has been working as a notarysubstitute. The classical non-contentious procedures (such as order for payment procedure, probate procedure) and the succession law are her main areas of interest. She has passed language exams in English and German at intermediate level. She’s been a member of the Board of Supervision of the Association of Hungarian Notarysubstitutes and Trainee Notaries since 2019.