közjegyzői iroda logó kék
Dr. SZEGHY-VADÁSZ, Zsuzsanna
Dr. Szeghy Vadász Zsuzsanna



+36 1 920 0360

Telefon / Phone:

H-1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 61. IV. em. 4.

Cím / Address:

She graduated summa cum laude from Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, in 2006. Beginning 2007, she worked as a trainee notary, became a notarysubstitute in 2010 in Dr. Tóth Ádám’s Notary Office. She has been working as a notarysubstitute at Dr. Máté Viktor Notary Office since 2014. She is authorised to act in English. She has a wide range of experience both in contractual and succession law. She is familiar with international succession affairs.